Salutations! I am Chu Luo (罗除). Gitee/cluo29 is more active than this. Github is too dangerous.
I strive for new discoveries in computer science and mathematics with my unwavering devotion.
Research Interests: Ubiquitous Computing, Software Engineering, Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Discrete Mathematics
Current Contact: mr.cluo29 [at], luochureal [at] (Preferred)
Academic Contact:
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Past Contact (not working now):,,,,
Detailed CV Download: [CV]
Profiles: Google Scholar| Research Gate| Linkedin| GitHub
Related Links: Interaction Design Lab| AWARE Framework| AWARE DashBoard
Work Experience
Research FellowFeb. 2020 -- Feb. 2021, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Research AssistantMar. 2018 -- Mar. 2019, School of Computing & Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
Project: Advanced Models of Online Metalearning in Highly Dynamic Scenarios (sponsored by Samsung)
Visiting Research AssistantDec. 2018 -- Jan. 2019, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Project: Inferring IoT Device Types by Mining Network Flows (with Dr. Yong Li)
Full-Time InternNov. 2017 -- Feb. 2018, Open Source Technology Centre, Intel, Shanghai, China
Project: SoC Thermal Management Using Reinforcement Learning
Ph. D. in Computer Science (Transferred In) (Testamur Conferred)Feb. 2017 -- Oct. 2019, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Supervisors: Vassilis Kostakos, Eduardo Velloso, Jorge Goncalves
Ph. D. in Computer Science (Transferred Out)Apr. 2015 -- Sep. 2016, University of Oulu, Finland
Supervisors: Vassilis Kostakos, Jorge Goncalves
Master of Science in Software Engineering with Distinction (Testamur Conferred)Sep. 2013 -- Nov. 2014, University of Southampton, UK
Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering (Testamur Conferred)Sep. 2009 -- Jul. 2013, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Selected Publications
Full List with PDF Downloads: [Full List][33] Chu Luo, Jorge Goncalves, Eduardo Velloso, and Vassilis Kostakos. 2020. A Survey of Context Simulation for Testing Mobile Context-Aware Applications. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53, 1, Article 21 (February 2020), 39 pages. URL: [PDF]
[29] Chu Luo, Zewen Xu, Ruining Dong, Jorge Goncalves, Eduardo Velloso, and Vassilis Kostakos. 2019. CamTest: A laboratory testbed for camera-based mobile sensing applications, Pervasive and Mobile Computing. URL:
[28] Chu Luo et al. 2019. Energy-Efficient Prediction of Smartphone Unlocking. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 23, 1, 159-177. URL: [PDF]
[18] Chu Luo, Miikka Kuutila, Simon Klakegg, Denzil Ferreira, Huber Flores, Jorge Goncalves, Mika Mäntylä and Vassilis Kostakos. 2017. TestAWARE: A Laboratory-Oriented Testing Tool for Mobile Context-Aware Applications. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) , 1, 3, Article 80 (September 2017), 29 pages. URL: [Slides] [PDF] [Software]
[6] Chu Luo, Angelos Fylakis, Juha Partala, Simon Klakegg, Jorge Goncalves, Kaitai Liang, Tapio Seppänen and Vassilis Kostakos. 2016. A Data Hiding Approach for Sensitive Smartphone Data. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp16) , 557-568. URL: [Slides] [PDF] [Software]
[3] Jiyou Li and Chu Luo. 2016. The simplified weighted sum function and its average sensitivity. Information Processing Letters, 116, 5, 331-336. URL: [PDF]
[1] Chu Luo. 2014. Video Summarization for Object Tracking in the Internet of Things. Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST), 8th International Conference on. IEEE. URL: [Slides] [PDF]
[-4] Chu Luo and Yuehui Zhang. 2020. Arranged Forests: Enhancing Random Forests by Reducing Feature Overlap between Trees. [PDF] [Software]
[-3] Chu Luo. 2015. A Mathematical Theorem about Northern Europe and Its Proof. URL: [PDF]
[-2] Chu Luo. 2015. Solving a Mathematical Problem in Square War: a Go-like Board Game. arXiv Preprint. URL: [Game]
[-1] Jiyou Li, Chu Luo and Zeying Xu. 2015. The Minimal and Maximal Sensitivity of the Simplified Weighted Sum Function. arXiv Preprint. URL:
Erdős number
Jiyou Li and Chu Luo. 2016. The simplified weighted sum function and its average sensitivity.
Information Processing Letters 116, 5, 331-336.
Jiyou Li, David B. Chandler and Qing Xiang. 2010. Permutation polynomials of degree 6 or 7 over finite fields of characteristic 2. Finite Fields and Their Applications 16, 6, 406-419.
Richard M. Wilson and Qing Xiang. 1997. Constructions of Hadamard difference sets. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 77, 1, 148-160.
Paul Erdös, Joel C. Fowler, Vera T. Sós and Richard M. Wilson. 1985. On 2-designs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 38, 2, 131-142.
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